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Author Bio

Susan W. Green writes Contemporary Romance novels using lighthearted stories with strong female leads, showing how they overcome challenges and find true happiness. Loving a good cup of coffee, don’t be surprised to find coffee mentioned in each of her books.

Long-time residents of Delaware, Susan and her husband Earl, found a run-down house in nearby Maryland. Loving a fixer-upper, they bought the house, did extensive renovations and now enjoy the peaceful views of rolling hills and farmland. An added perk – family next door.

Susan loves hosting family and friends and giving back. After retiring from a 35-year career in banking, she continues to stay busy by volunteering at multiple universities, entrepreneur programs, and as a board member for a charity that supports children and teen moms. If you can’t find her behind her desk, look on her front porch where she has her favorite rocking chair. And of course, a cup of coffee in hand.